Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 4, 5 & 6 Back in Bocas

December 6, 2009

After I left the jungle, I decided to spend the night in Changuinola, a town that exists, so far as I can tell, to supply Chiquita Banana with farm workers. It wasn't really a tourist destination, but it was nice, and probably the first real truly Panamanian city I've been in. The next morning, I went back to the tourist infested Islands of Bocas del Torro.

I don't think I explained this before, but Bocas has this great Caribbean vibe. It doesn't feel all like Latin American at all, it feels like an island in the Caribbean, because, of course, it is.

I lounged around the that afternoon, then that night, I went out with my scuba instructor and his friends. We went and played pool at a place that I never would have gone by myself, but I had a ton of fun, and actually got a lot better at pool over the course of the night. I do however, wish that I was able to talk trash in Spanish, because that really would have helped my game. And now I can now start stories with "I was shooting pool at this bar in Panama..." so I would say it was a good night.

The next day I went with the Germans who were staying at my hostel to the Zapitillas Islands. Again, I have no words for this. One of them described sailing up them as walking into a dream. I don't think there is a better way to put it. Just look at the pictures.

Christmas in the Islands:

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