Friday, November 20, 2009

November 20, 2009 Last Days in Boquete

November 20, 2009

These pictures are all from my last days in Boquete.

I saw this every morning when I wake up. It’s the table cloth on the desk in my room. It took me about a week to realize penguin was mis-spelled.

The house and family I stayed with.

Antonio, Stephanie, and Samuel, Stephanie's boyfriend.

The whole family. L to R: me, Tomas, Guilleurmo (dad), Antonio, Abulea, Nieva (mom), Stephanie, and Samuel.

My Lunch. Pretty Typical. Fried Chicken, fried rice, and fried plantains. The theme in this neck of the woods is fried.

My classmates and teacher at Habla Ya. Scott and Cassie from Missouri, my professora Aralis, and me. Seriously, she was one of the best teachers I’ve had in my life. Ever.

And now, we speak perfectly. Ha.

Around Boquete and finally some pics of me out too:

I kinda want this house. Its already on stilts and ready for the floods.

The shed at the Panamonte Inn.

Me on the bridge that washed out.

Overlooking the town. Check out the new form of the river Kristen.

I kind of want this truck, once it gets running again of course.

The women in pink on the left is indigenous. They wear these awesome brightly colored dresses, I'll try to take a better picture when I go back. I just hate taking photos of people that I don't know, so I'll have to do it covertly.

Then I read the newspaper when I got home on Friday, and saw this
article. This is for you Jess.

I am coming back to Boquete in a couple weeks on my way back to Panama City and the states. I was gonna get a hotel, but my host family said, no, I should not pay for a hotel and stay with them. I said that I would only stay with them if I could cook them a grand dinner. I was scheming how to make eggplant parmesan, cause 1) I can make it well and 2) it is not food you’d typically find in Panama, BUT, I got home from class on Friday, and guess what they surprised me with as a going away dinner. You know it. Eggplant parmesan. Seriously. Un-freaking-believable. Now I have to think of something else. It doesn’t have to be American, per se, but something different. I’m totally out of ideas.

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