Saturday, November 28, 2009

November 28, 2009 Leaving Bocas, Part 1

So I am leaving Bocas tomorrow, but in only five short days I will return. For various reasons, I decided to come back here after my adventure in the jungle with the Naso tribe, which begins tomorrow and ends on Thursday. Some of those reasons include the weather here, which is just about perfect aside from some rain showers, and the very nice, incredibly cheep place I have to stay here. Others include the good food in this town and some nice people I've met. Others include me being somewhat lazy and not wanting to plan going somewhere new for only three days. Maybe if i was feeling especially ambitious, I'd go up to Costa Rica afterwards, but its just so nice here that I just don't want to.

I took a boat out to a beach today with some folks from this hostal and we hung out for about five hours. For two and a half of those hours, it was raining, but for the other two and a half, it was great. The coolest thing I saw all day, and possibly all week, was two big stingrays (3 foot diameter) bodysurfing down the face of a 10 foot wave, their little eyes on the top of their heads all lit up with glee. It was amazing. I was out there playing in the surf with a friend and just as this huge wave started to curl over we both saw the stingrays and they passed right between us. Wow. So cool. I wish I had had a camera with me today, but since I was at the beach, I didn't.

I don't have many pics to share, yet again. Just some from Wednesday night when the spanish school had a cooking/rum drinking night, and a few photos of the town of Bocas on Thursday when the sun came out in the afternoon.

Tiny Lizard.

Me and Kat (switzerland) making garlic bread.

Dancing with the swiss and a teacher in the kitchen.

An evening game of baseball in town.

Quintessential Latin American Coke ad.

Drying laundry.

Building in town.

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