Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 10 , 2009

November 10, 2009

Today was Panama's two independence days so I didn't have class. I went back up to the gardens and gave a tour to a great european family. Then I met this nice retired man from Ohio while I was eating lunch. He let me use his internet and his phone. He then told me all about his son in San Francisco who is too busy saving the world to get married and then the nice man, Mort, asked if i would bring him some cookies when I go back to California. I said I would but it seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through to get someone some homemade cookies. But he is a nice man, this Mort fellow, so I'll do it.

Then I went back to my host family's house and they were, apparently, having a party for the holiday. So i talked to the mother of the daugher's boyfriend for hours. She is super nice, and was very patient with me and my faltering spanish. Its so hard for me to understand what people are saying when there are a lot of noises in the background or other conversations. Its hard knowing what sounds to filter out when you are talking to someone in this other language that you're not familar with, so you listen to everything, and try to sort it out later, and well, its hard to do.

Then, after the guests left, we played cards some more. And I have to say, I kicked their butts. You don't want to mess with me when I am set on winning card games.

Some of the animals at Paradise Gardens.

Billy the Capuchin Monkey

Squirrel Monkey

Spider monkeys.



The birds.

Some of the plants


  1. Where is the picture of the puma kitten thing? Those monkey's look mean. You should play with other animals besides the monkeys and birds. What other animals do they have? Though those birds look fun, I like the blue one. Also where are the pictures of you and your host family?

  2. The puma kitten is the Jagurrundi. Its very sweet looking, and it fishes. When it is wet it looks like an otter so a lot of people think that they are seeing otters in the rivers when infact they are seeing these cats. They live as far north as texas, so maybe you can go down to the Rio Grande and see one.

    The blue bird is so sweet. Her name is precious. The monkeys are nice. They were abused and beaten as little baby monkeys so it took a long time for them to start trusting humans but they are so great. They'll come over and want to hold your hand through the fence.

    No Pics of me yet because I am covered in bug bites and no one needs to see that. I'll take some of me and the family before i leave.
